Liz's New Zealand Adventurings

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

the not-so-recent update 174 days ago

As you all have noticed and have probably attempted resisting being irritated by the fact of, I am pathetic at updating my site. Because you are all so wonderful, however, here's what I suspect your thoughts to be. The first strains were to the chords of, "Liz is in NZ now, she must be so busy just just having fun!" which moved to, "Oh, she's now settling into her flat, that'll take some time." Then, "School's started now, she's working hard at getting that sorted." But now, despite all of your grace, I'm afraid I have no excuse. To all of you who have kindly written me notes and sent messages of encouragement, thank you!!! I've loved receiving them. I'm sorry I haven't replied to all of you. Ahh, so here's a bit of an update, hopefully in a nutshell. I'm taking four courses at Uni (you don't call it college here) and they have a lot of reading, but not many assignments. I managed to get my fridays off, so my schedule's sweet as.
oooh, quicker Liz!
Ok, ok.I've bought a bike which I use as transport too and from school...for those of you who know how much I despise walking. (Remember how I'd drive from home to the campus parking lot and ride my bike to class??) But it's a great means of transport because Dunedin's so small. Plus, my flatmates Claire and Angela also have bikes so we're planning a bike trip.To the great delight of Heather, I've taken up running. You were right, it is actually better when you relax and cover some distance. There's a park behind my flat complex and this trail that continues for quite some time up to a reservoir. It's like running in a tropical jungle, alongside a stream, and then you're on top in the sun, next to a body of water.
I do love it here :o)
What else? I've been taking a fencing class. Only a four-week course, but enough for me to realise it's not the sport for me. I'm very glad I did it, I had fun, made some friends, but I stresses me out to be on guard for so long. No pun intended.
Hmm, more in the next post as I'm running out of characters. 941 left.


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