That was NOT the desired outcome.
Last night I thought to use a hottie which would, theoretically, allow me to fall asleep easier and sleep deeper. It hasn't been particularly cold in the flat, at least not on the second floor, thought the ground floor is still quite freezing at times. But, tired as I was, and in light of the late hour, I figured it was a great idea! I quickly multitasked, simultaneously brushing my teeth and filling the kettle. After the hottie was filled, I tested to see if the plug was leaking still. Only a little.
Once in bed, I journaled for a while with the hottie creating a toasty, woasty, and warm bedding environment. I had to hop up for that last bladder emptying (in hopes that I would make it through the night - I have a 7minute bladder...approximately - sort of like that 7minute silence, or awkward moment, in conversation.) when I discovered my pajama pants were a little damp. No, I hadn't had an accident; the hottie had been leaking.
I tried to tighten the plug and test for further leakage. It seemed watertight at that point. I then placed it at the foot of my bed so I could have roasty toes all night. But I distinctly recall being aware of it every time I turned over in my sleep.
In conclusion, not only did I have to get up and pee early this morning (it comes down to the decision of whether or not I'll sleep better ignoring the pressure or just getting up to relieve it) but the hottie actually made for a terrible night's sleep. Disappointment.
Today was great, though! Denise and I went for a good walk this morning. We walked to where I had been housesitting last week so I could pick up my 1/3 loaf of bread I'd left there. No one was home, but I did find an open window. I was more than tempted, but I didn't. Not that it would have been the first time I've broken and entered into a friend's house.
I took a short, hottie-less rest after the walk before heading off for skit practice at uni. I've been a part of the skit team for Student Life this semester. Well, really, half of this semester. This was our third practice for one 3minute skit. Only because it was a musical. After practice we (Justin, Michael, and I) popped out of our dinky room at Clubs and Socs to take part in the $3 lunch which the Hare Krishnas put on. Today's meal: choice of leftover pasta from yesterday or lentilish soup, fresh-baked bread roll, and a slop serving of chocolate _______. I forget what it's called. Something 'sem...' But it looks like nearly pureed refried beans. Despite its nasty appearance (Michael told the server it looked repulsive), it was completely yum. I scored a helping from Justin who thought it too sweet. My own lunch was brought from home: a hexagonal glass jam jar filled with frozen peas and slices of marinated tofu from the Dunedin Farmer's Market. As to be expected, I received endless teasing for it. I am so misunderstood.
The last Student Life meeting of 2005 was a little sad as it's yet another "last" for me in NZ, but our performance of Monty Python's "The Lumberjack Song" was a big hit. We're expecting to receive our Grammy nomination soon. For my participation in the skit team I was gifted a movie ticket for Hoyts, the posh cinema in town. And for my participation in the audience today, I was gifted a nice welted bruise on my forehead by a crazy flying lolly of the most disgusting flavour ever: imitation banana. Not even students flatting stoop low enough to eat that.
Once in bed, I journaled for a while with the hottie creating a toasty, woasty, and warm bedding environment. I had to hop up for that last bladder emptying (in hopes that I would make it through the night - I have a 7minute bladder...approximately - sort of like that 7minute silence, or awkward moment, in conversation.) when I discovered my pajama pants were a little damp. No, I hadn't had an accident; the hottie had been leaking.
I tried to tighten the plug and test for further leakage. It seemed watertight at that point. I then placed it at the foot of my bed so I could have roasty toes all night. But I distinctly recall being aware of it every time I turned over in my sleep.
In conclusion, not only did I have to get up and pee early this morning (it comes down to the decision of whether or not I'll sleep better ignoring the pressure or just getting up to relieve it) but the hottie actually made for a terrible night's sleep. Disappointment.
Today was great, though! Denise and I went for a good walk this morning. We walked to where I had been housesitting last week so I could pick up my 1/3 loaf of bread I'd left there. No one was home, but I did find an open window. I was more than tempted, but I didn't. Not that it would have been the first time I've broken and entered into a friend's house.
I took a short, hottie-less rest after the walk before heading off for skit practice at uni. I've been a part of the skit team for Student Life this semester. Well, really, half of this semester. This was our third practice for one 3minute skit. Only because it was a musical. After practice we (Justin, Michael, and I) popped out of our dinky room at Clubs and Socs to take part in the $3 lunch which the Hare Krishnas put on. Today's meal: choice of leftover pasta from yesterday or lentilish soup, fresh-baked bread roll, and a slop serving of chocolate _______. I forget what it's called. Something 'sem...' But it looks like nearly pureed refried beans. Despite its nasty appearance (Michael told the server it looked repulsive), it was completely yum. I scored a helping from Justin who thought it too sweet. My own lunch was brought from home: a hexagonal glass jam jar filled with frozen peas and slices of marinated tofu from the Dunedin Farmer's Market. As to be expected, I received endless teasing for it. I am so misunderstood.
The last Student Life meeting of 2005 was a little sad as it's yet another "last" for me in NZ, but our performance of Monty Python's "The Lumberjack Song" was a big hit. We're expecting to receive our Grammy nomination soon. For my participation in the skit team I was gifted a movie ticket for Hoyts, the posh cinema in town. And for my participation in the audience today, I was gifted a nice welted bruise on my forehead by a crazy flying lolly of the most disgusting flavour ever: imitation banana. Not even students flatting stoop low enough to eat that.
'Strewth about that imitation banana. Although it's not so bad in popsicles. But the flavor I really abhor is bubble gum. Especially when it's blue.
Anemone Flynn, at 12 October, 2005 11:01
It was semolina.
Anonymous, at 13 October, 2005 00:21
aaah, THANK YOU!! I knew you would remember. I even tried googling it.
liz, at 13 October, 2005 01:11
I'm thinking of making a big patch of semolina for my next pot-luck party. I'll make it in several different flavours, each as repulsive-looking as the last, but each tasting so magical. Semolina: it's nature's wonder food.
Anonymous, at 13 October, 2005 01:32
Spinach flavoured would be delicious! I'd also suggest the ever-popular pumpkin variety alongside a tomato version. That ought to be sufficiently appetising. Chocolate, for dessert, is a must.
liz, at 13 October, 2005 01:52
Whoa, wait a minute, so the main ingredient is not chocolate? It's just chocolate flavored? And you can have other flavors? I'm not sure that's a good thing ...
Anemone Flynn, at 13 October, 2005 09:02
Yup. Semolina is a kind of flour product that looks like little wee tapiocas or sagos - or couscous. It turns into this sort of couscous-like porridge, and in of itself it has not taste, but you can add anything to it. Cocoa, for instance. Or, I suppose, strawberry Nesquik, or Kool-Aid, or even jelly crystals. Or some sort of fruit syrup. It's ridiculously cheap to buy, and vegetarians love it because it doesn't contain a single ounce of anything animal.
Anonymous, at 13 October, 2005 15:16
Huh. Interesting. Actually, it sounds kind of like tofu. But if you say it's good, I'll take your word for it.
Anemone Flynn, at 13 October, 2005 18:09
You should try hufu. It's avaialble from, and the link to it is on the sidebar at my website. Hufu: the healthy human flesh alternative.
Anonymous, at 15 October, 2005 16:51
Well, I can't say as I've experienced any longings to try human flesh -- are they quite sure they have the taste right? I would be terribly embarrassed to declare myself an authority on the culinary prospects of hufu, and then suddenly find that it was, after all, merely a clever imitation of pork. My credibility would be ruint forever.
Anemone Flynn, at 15 October, 2005 19:26
Apparently, teams of scientists all over the globe have worked round the clock to perfect the recipe....
Anonymous, at 15 October, 2005 19:48
You know what I'd like? I'd like an update on this website. That'd be neat. Yup.
Anonymous, at 19 October, 2005 14:55
Ouch. That hurt. "Do you have any idea how much that stings?"
I was kind of enjoying the pseudo blog in comments!
And I'm just being lazy...studying, of course.
liz, at 19 October, 2005 15:09
Fair enough. Sometimes I forget that I'm a bum and have endless amounts of time to fill by putting things on my site, and that not everyone has as much time as me. If you want, you can delete my ouch-inducing comment - I seldom intend things I say to cause offence, and I always try for them to have minimal ouchitude. I'm sorry.
Anonymous, at 20 October, 2005 03:14
Blogs within blogs are fun, though. Speaking of which: I haven't heard much from Greg lately. I remember those long days when he used to have a pseudo-blog inside mine.... Ah! Those times were neat. BTW, hands up everyone who saw Hannah on TV last night? *puts his hand up and waves it madly.*
Anonymous, at 20 October, 2005 03:16
I really ought to update my blog, too, I just can't think of anything to write about. Where's Justin when you actually need him?
Anemone Flynn, at 20 October, 2005 09:10
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