To revisit the old argument
I know this is opening a vermiculous can, but I was able to read snippets of some excellent articles in Modern Reformation magazine regarding the topic. Because I am far less eloquent and organised in my thinking and writing than the author, I have copied some excerpts that were altered by another blogger.
In all actuality, I'm not sorry for bringing this up. It's a very important distinction that need be understood.
Jesus led the Purpose-Driven life. We lead the Promise-Driven life.
"The unchurch [PurposeDriven] offers the unchurched "life application" preaching. Why? This is what the unchurched expect. The unchurched always expect less than God gives. The unchurched expect preaching that gives them practical solutions to their everyday problems.[But] the [Promise Driven Church] church has something better. To begin with the church doesn't preach to the unchurched. The church doesn't really care whether someone is churched, unchurched, underchurched, overchurched, mischurched, dischurched, prechurched, dechurched, or rechurched. The church preaches to sinners - sinners who are unchurched and sinners who aren't; sinners who are seeking and sinners who aren't; sinners who are unbeliever's and sinners who aren't."
"The world will never consider 'Christ crucified' relevant. The unchurched will never tell us that they WANT to hear the message of the cross. This is why the [Promise Driven] church doesn't ask people what they want to hear. the [Promise Driven] church preaches what people NEED to hear.The unchurch offers the unchurched lots of things to do. They typical unchurch is a very busy place. Why? This is what the unchurched expect. The unchurch expect the church to be like any other volunteer organization. [But] the [Promise Driven] church has something better. The church isn't interested in giving sinners something to do. The church is interested in giving sinners the things God has done for them."
Another article that I'm currently chewing my way through can be found here.
In all actuality, I'm not sorry for bringing this up. It's a very important distinction that need be understood.
Jesus led the Purpose-Driven life. We lead the Promise-Driven life.
"The unchurch [PurposeDriven] offers the unchurched "life application" preaching. Why? This is what the unchurched expect. The unchurched always expect less than God gives. The unchurched expect preaching that gives them practical solutions to their everyday problems.[But] the [Promise Driven Church] church has something better. To begin with the church doesn't preach to the unchurched. The church doesn't really care whether someone is churched, unchurched, underchurched, overchurched, mischurched, dischurched, prechurched, dechurched, or rechurched. The church preaches to sinners - sinners who are unchurched and sinners who aren't; sinners who are seeking and sinners who aren't; sinners who are unbeliever's and sinners who aren't."
"The world will never consider 'Christ crucified' relevant. The unchurched will never tell us that they WANT to hear the message of the cross. This is why the [Promise Driven] church doesn't ask people what they want to hear. the [Promise Driven] church preaches what people NEED to hear.The unchurch offers the unchurched lots of things to do. They typical unchurch is a very busy place. Why? This is what the unchurched expect. The unchurch expect the church to be like any other volunteer organization. [But] the [Promise Driven] church has something better. The church isn't interested in giving sinners something to do. The church is interested in giving sinners the things God has done for them."
Another article that I'm currently chewing my way through can be found here.
Yeah, they've got to be careful throwing "churched, unchurched, underchurched, overchurched, mischurched, dischurched, prechurched, dechurched, or rechurched" around.
Never know who you'll hit.
Anemone Flynn, at 29 April, 2006 12:06
Exactly! That was one of the things that stuck out at me when I first saw the article. So honest.
liz, at 29 April, 2006 17:30
always so much controversy in the matters that much of the world labels as "religious". i chewed my way through what you wrote...
hope all is going well for you, Liz :o) love, mel
ps i deleted my blogspot and someone else took my username! my blogs now at
Anonymous, at 30 April, 2006 17:38
Hmmm. I find a similar thing can happen when people try to redefine "religion" so that it can include things like secular humanism, or ecologism, or evolution. A dangerous thing to do, and best to be avoided.
Two quick questions: what was your point in posting something about "Promise-Driven" churches (not quite sure what that means though), unless it was to suggest that "Purpose-Driven" churches aren't somehow fulfilling the Great Commission? [now there's a vermiculous vessel!].
Second, why the sudden flurry of posts? I used to check your blog everyday, but then you stopped posting, and now BAM! A whole bunch of posts in a row! Wha'happen?!
Anonymous, at 03 May, 2006 19:40
Well, I suppose the influx of postings has resulted from the realisation that blogging doesn't, actually, have to consume a large amount of time. Plus, I've been missing all of you over there on the Land of the Long White Cloud and I figure blogging is one of the simplest ways to keep in touch with many of you.
Additionally, I've been wrapping up uni assignments that require time spent online (= time for a quick posting) and on and on and such and such.
Finally, my mention of the "Promise-Driven church" was made in direct reference to our numerous and extensive conversations last year regarding the "Purpose-Driven" theology. I was a bit unclear with my intentions in the post, though. I only wanted to say that it's a subtle difference between purpose and promise, but it's massive.
"Purpose-driven" mentality would seem to keep believers focussed on themselves - in essence - to become hyperaware of situations, skills, etc., that God would use in their lives to accomplish something. And it uses a “watered-down law” to urge the follower to “be all they can be,” the idea that what you are is enough - that God can "use" what you are (instead of the necessity of co-crucifixion, death to self and Christ's life in us).
This comfortable idea is promoted rather than the pain caused by the cutting to the core with the full law which points to Christ and His finished works on our behalf.
The "Promise-driven" mindset is one that is dependent on that which is already completed. From there, you can move forward, regardless of the situation, the statistics, the future, knowing that God is sovereign and will accomplish that which He set out to do, and indeed has already finished since the creation of the world.
We can't lead lives of purpose; we must walk in faith of the promises of God. "You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed." Joshua 23:14
There’s so much more, but my brain is currently exhausted, so I’ll spend the rest of the day thinking about additions and amendments to the above statements :o)
liz, at 08 May, 2006 14:21
Churched, overchurched, underchurched, unchurched, etc., etc....
I just happened upon your blog when a friend of mine did a search on the term "unchurch" :-) I'm part of a gathering whose mission is to "unchurch the churched and reach the unchurched with the Life-giving message of Jesus."
Many have become quite disillusioned within the "church" (Purpose-Driven) and are wondering where Jesus and His revolutionary, Kindom of God message and lifestyle have gone. Others look from the outside (these are the unchurched spoken of within our mission statement) and wonder the same thing.
I love your promise-driven vs. purpose-driven analogy. I truly believe that people within the church, as well as people without (outside of) the church have a longing for Jesus' revolutionary message. Less and less are people looking for "how-to's" to living life, but rather, are looking for the LIFE that is found within Christ alone.
Anyway, kudos to your post, and feel free to converse with us at and!!!
Dave, at 25 August, 2006 18:17
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