Liz's New Zealand Adventurings

Monday, August 8, 2005

I'm engaged!

It's official.
I miss home. I miss everything about it.
Actually, not quite everything; I definitely don't miss the mosquitoes. They don't seem to exist here in NZ. Praise the Lord! That's reason enough for anyone living near Lake Lowell or Happy Valley Road to come visit. :o)
The countdown has begun for the performance of The Magician's Nephew. 16 - 24 Sept. It's going to be so busy with uni work, I'm actually going to miss classes because we've got school performances some mornings. I'm still playing Aunt Letty, "an old maid who lives in London...Lewis [C.S.] calls her "touchy," but her character is really quite embracing..."
My director figures Letty is in her 40s, so I just act like you, Mom! I'm getting to know a lot of people, it's especially refreshing to be around people of all ages. The lead actors are both 13 yrs old and the three of us are constantly goofing off together between scenes.

as to my subject: I am engaged in heaps of stuff lately, this is just an update of some of those things.


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