Liz's New Zealand Adventurings

Monday, May 23, 2005

Random bits

Sunday 13-Wed 18 May: meant for working on my essay. I became quite excited about my topic, "Sex-Selective Abortions: The Feminist Perspective," because while I don't embrace the feminist worldview, I am beginning to understand what they base their beliefs upon. I feel I can now converse more intelligently about where I stand.

Thurs 19 May: my journal entry reads, "8:09am - I just pulled my first all-nighter, I'm trembling. Can't write well. Can't think. Turned in my 2nd Bioethics Essay which I wrote last night. 10 pages, double spaced. Waiting for water to boil for my hottie [hot water bottle]. Sleeping til 1:30 if possible. Ouch. So much to say. hands are kind of purple."

I slept, without moving, from 8:20am-1:30pm, just in time for my 2pm Spanish tutorial. Can't remember much of it, unfortunately :o)After class I went shopping to make a dish for the tramping reunion. We had been trying to get together for the last month, or whatever a week after the tramp was. The reunion was such a blast. We had heaps of amazing food, exchanged photos and played Mafia, our new tramping tradition. Damon helped configure my laptop (my pictures take up too much memory) and then I walked home, nearly collapsing into bed.

Fri 20 May: woke at 9, started, completed and handed in an assignment by 12pm. Mom called at 12:15 and I called Dani. Perhaps, as an incentive to let me know you're still alive by writing comments on my website :o) it would help you all to know that Dani occasionally comments and posts pics on here :o) *hint-hint* Just in case anyone wanted a call...because you can answer the phone, "Is this New Zealand?"!! jk - I can't promise to call everyone that writes on here, I wish I could, though.

This is the night Angela, Claire and I went out for dinner. We stopped by the annual 24-Hour booksale held in the old Regent theatre. It was enormous and crazy! There were thousands of books, and just about as many people. If not priced otherwise, any book cost 50 cents. I found beautiful old copies of "Around the World in 80 Days" and "Good Wives," by Louisa May Alcott, among other treasures. Angela and I finished off the night making homeade fries - at 1 am. Not enough sleep again.

Sat 21 May: Rising bright and early at 10am, I set to work to make something to take to Rosalie's "Old Fashioned Indoor Picnic" in honor of her 21st birthday at 1pm. I had to wear a hat, but as I didn't bring one, I constructed one out of cardboard, a plastic lid, a frilly scarf and sticky-tack. Out of the love of his dear little heart, a friend said it gave me a Frankenstein-esque look, sort of a square-head appearance. Bless his little heart, indeed. We played relay and eating games - a hanging apple, anyone? - and there was a remarkably ginormous caterpillar pinata. The party was set to end at 4 and I arrived home at 5pm with just enough time to prepare for the annual Unity Ball. My friend Lana was coming to pick me up at 7pm. Sigh, no rest for the weary...


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