Liz's New Zealand Adventurings

Saturday, June 4, 2005


I thought I'd share with you all my exam schedule (all June):
11 - Biomedical Ethics, 3 essays: 2hrs
17 - Spanish, quiz format: 2hrs
18 - Evolution of Human Diet, 3 essays: 2hrs
20 - History, 4 essays: 3hrs
But the good news is that from 23 June to 5 July Liz will be exploring Australia :o) I decided to go now while it's cold here and warm there. I'll explore more of NZ at the end of 2nd semester - beginning of summer. So, I fly into Melbourne and two days later Claire and Angela join me. The tentative plan is to make it up to Brisbane together, perhaps renting a car and bombing the drive (apparently the maps are out of proportion and it could take three days of continuous driving to make it to Brisbane). We fly out of Brisbane 5 July. I have a play rehearsal on the 6th of July. DCBC is putting on "The Magician's Nephew" from the Chronicles of Narnia (last year was The Lion/Witch/Wardrobe). Performances are: 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 September. I play Aunt Letty and the She-Bear. Although I'm giving up a lot of weekends for the play, it's something I want to do. True, I can always be in plays in Idaho, but how often do I get to be in plays in NZ? And I'm looking forward to building more friendships here :o)
Ooh, and last night my spanish tutorial class celebrated the semester end with dinner at a mexican restaurant. Lilian (our lecturer) came with her husband and daughters. The dinner was a huge success, nearly the entire class showed up. We gave Lilian a card and two pictures of us. I had brought my camera to class the day before, taken a group picture, and printed off copies for Lilian and smaller copies for everyone else. A couple of the guys from class even paid Lilian's family's tab. It was really sweet.
On another disorganised note: yesterday was the first snow. I woke up to hail that morphed into a wet snow which didn't stick, but was neat nonetheless.


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